I was so, so delighted to see that the dearest, darling master of my soul had written to me unbidden, after three days of unrequited emailing from me to him.
I heard the 'dong-ping' alert, and clambered back toward the machine over the detritus that is the fall-out from two children rushing off to school at the last minute, and felt my heart soar when I saw His name.
A warm, loved, excited, Christmassy glow settled into every inch of my being as even the rubbish on this little desk took on the gentle benevolence of mere tinsel, scattered by Disney bluebirds.
With all the anticipation of Jessica Rabbit and Snow White rolled into one, I perched both delicately and sensuously on the very edge of the seat and with the same toasty, fervent, panting sweetness, heart in mouth, eyes sparkling in childlike hope, chakras spinning like a harlot's tassles, used the mouse to open a letter from my love.
Can you confirm that my train tickets have arrived?
Very quiet here today, hardly anybody in.
Can’t wait to get home, love you lots.
I'm surprised it didn't finish 'yours faithfully'. *Sigh*.
Back to the washing up, then.
"chakras spinning like a harlot's tassles"
Nobody should laugh this loudly on a Sunday.
wv: unglore
If it's any consolation, I, too, receive minimal returns on my intra-marital email investment. AND I get the phone calls that begin, "Hi honey. I had a great day on the golf course and I'm due at dinner in five minutes. How are you?"
"Gnawing stale crust over the kitchen sink before another round with the snow shovel. Can't talk now. ::CLICK::"
Ah men and romance, what does a girl say. Sigh.
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