Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Too Old To Show Nerves

I'm off to the Ophthalmologist at Hospital, today.

On my own.

Never been before.

Only had my eyes tested five or six weeks ago and in that time the process (besides prescription and first pair of varifocals *gulp*) has been:

Letter from optician to family doctor
Letter from doctor to hospital
Letter from hospital to me, with appointment date.

Knowing how the NHS tends to run, getting an appointment from a specialist less than five weeks after the GP requested it is pretty unnerving.

At least it is to the screaming coward that lurks deep inside me; the one with the unspeakable yet slightly fixated terror of going blind. You know, that one. The one that doesn't even want to get as far as the appointment desk.

DOH remains in the big city and I am going on my own, on the bus, which means on two buses, because that's how the route works. You mustn't drive to these things because if they put eye drops in to dilate the pupils then you won't be safe to drive home again.

In the meantime I could have a lovely relaxing bath.

I could tart around making my face until I feel smart (and its amazing how important makeup has suddenly become now that I need a good magnifying mirror to see my own eyes without specs)

I could check my bank balance, get to the Hospital town early and do a bit of Christmas shopping.

I may yet, if I can get my act together, but all these things take time, which dwindles, because I procrastinate.

So here I am, procrastinating and working my knickers into a proper twist, which is ridiculous for a woman of my age and capabilities.

Perhaps the issue is not so much one of 'getting a grip' as of deciding I want to. *Sigh*. Sometimes being a grown-up just sucks!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Let's just assume that 5% of those referred to the opthalmologist have already gone blind (or died, why not?), and 80% of those referred are too chicken to keep their appointments and have canceled, thus creating openings for the 15% who are both brave enough and healthy enough to go.

I need new specs. I vanely asked the doc to have the old ones ground without the up-close fix-it. I was an idiot.